Who is Doctor Phillips anyway?

Ever since I moved to this area, I thought Doctor Phillips was kind of an odd name for a community and I wondered who is this guy anyway?!? My guess is that some of you out there have had the same thoughts, so I figured I would look it up and share my findings. Well,...

Central Florida Real Estate Market on Track

This past Summer the much anticipated Central Florida real estate market recovery has been everything as advertised. Inventory of available homes is holding steady at just over 7,000 properties for sale, a drastic improvement from the bottom of the market in August...

Dr Phillips Homeowners back in the Driver’s Seat

Dr Phillips homeowners once again are in the driver’s seat when it comes to leveraging their investment.  It was only a matter of time for home values in sought after neighborhoods like Dr Phillips to stop declining and start showing value again.  It...

Dr Phillips Real Estate Lowest in Years!

For a change we’re not talking about home values but rather the lack of homes for sale.  It wasn’t long ago that communities, even sought after communities like Dr Phillips, were littered with distressed properties, today there is a whopping 15!  Not a...